Центр української культури та мистецтва

Київ, вул. Хорива, 19-В

пн. - пт. 10:00 – 19:00
сб. - 10:00 – 18:00
нд. - вихідний

Центр української культури та мистецтва

Київ, вул. Хорива, 19-В

пн. - пт. 10:00 – 19:00
сб. - 10:00 – 18:00
нд. - вихідний

16 décembre 2011

To celebrate the Christmas seasons

Kiev Post “ 20 Photo story”, December 16, 2011
(photos by Ganna Bernyk)

To celebrate the Christmas seasons as a family holiday full of color and traditions, the Center of Ukrainian Culture and Art in the Podil neighborhood chose Christmas tree decorations as their theme. The center opened an exhibit of antique toys and décor on Dec. 10 from private collections around the city, and held a number of master classes for children to pass on the craft of making Christmas fun. Apart from antique toys and décor, the exhibitions features traditional folk Christmas decorations and modern ones. The exhibition also features holiday-themed paintings by Nataliya Kuriy-Maksymiv, done in an unusual technique on glass. The exhibition will last through Jan. 14 at 19v Khoriva Street. Another master class on traditional Christmas décor-making for children will take on Dec 19 at 6 p.m. Admission is free.

To celebrate the Christmas seasons

see also


16 décembre 2011

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10 octobre 2012

Іграшкова історія

13 décembre 2011